Russian Federation
The spread and expansion of the influence of international terrorist organizations on a global scale keep this phenomenon in the focus of academic interest. And it is not without reason that in the last few years the world’s attention has been drawn to the issue of war on terrorism and extremism, the global problems of mankind at the beginning of XXI century. The aim of this article is comprehension of the phenomenon of national discrimination that took place at the beginning of XX century in Nazi Germany in the form of Holocaust and has resurged in the activity of the Middle-East terrorist organization ISIL as means of fight against all infidels. The authors come to the conclusion that at the bottom of functioning of the Third Reich and the ISIL there are common ideological tenets concerning the methods of state establishing and the system of its further functioning. The main tools of such states are violence and physical extermination of the people on national and religious grounds as well as application of terror methods against civilian population.
ideologiya, nacional'naya diskriminaciya, radikal'nyy islamizm, terrorizm, musul'manskiy mir, ideology, ethnic discrimination, radical Islamism, terrorism, the Muslim world