The article deals with the role and place of China in the major swing of the Russian Policy towards the East in response to the Western pressure upon the RF after the Crimea accession. The cornerstone of this policy is in the strengthening of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership. China is the chief trade partner both of the US and the RF. It feels comfortable enough within the existing global economic system but is dissatisfied with the US global political domination. The impact of the growing power of China and the RF upon the one-polar system leads to increasing geopolitical rift between these two countries and the US. The US consider China as its most principal competitor, but deal a first blow at Russia as a weaker link in the China's rear. The rise of the Western enmity towards Russia diverts the attention of the US from China. But for China Russia is not a strong and important enough country yet: the value of our trade is not so big, we lack qualified staff, the level of confidence and reliability is low, but misinterpretation of Asiatic specificity is very great. Our countries have the common point of view on strategic global issues, but our local interests, ambitions and geography are rather different, from inconsistency to incompatibility. In conclusion, the author summarizes the results and prospects of the further development of the Russian-Chinese cooperation: it will be founded on the level of «strategic partnership» arrangement in the spheres of mutual interest in the East and in the West. The author believes that this level of cooperation would be much more profitable for Russia, than the allied relations because of the great difference in economic weight between our countries.
povorot Rossii na Vostok, rossiysko-kitayskoe strategicheskoe partnerstvo, kitaysko-amerikanskie otnosheniya, kitayskie koncepcii miroustroystva, proekty rossiysko-kitayskogo sotrudnichestva, The major swing of the Russian Policy towards the East, the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership, the Chinese-American relations, the Chinese concepts of World Order, the Projects of the Russian-Chinese cooperation