Penza, Russian Federation
Kazan', Russian Federation
The research features Internet cloud technologies to study the opportunities it provide for knowledge management of a particular organization and to offer an approach for their safe development. The research employed formal-logical and semantic analysis, comparative analysis, and descriptive method. The authors propose a list of opportunities provided by cloud technologies for managing the explicit knowledge of an organization and the formation of intellectual capital. They introduced a "spiral" approach based on the choice of "points of growth" with a gradual extension of the implementation area. The results obtained can be applied by organizations that have created corporate knowledge management systems to improve the efficiency by introducing modern information technologies. Modern information technologies, including cloud technologies, are constantly evolving and providing organizations with new opportunities to manage corporate knowledge, but they require approaches that would ensure their optimal implementation and an adequate methodological base.
information technology, technologies of distributed knowledge processing, intellectual capital, a spiral approach to the introduction of information technology
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