Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
In recent years the tendency to growth of recurrent crime in the country is noted, and its specific weight with the general to structure of crime exceeds 40 %. The public danger of recurrent crime is that recidivists seek to continue criminal activity and exert extremely negative impact on unstable persons, especially minor and youth, involving them in the criminal activity. The problem of prevention of recurrent crime was discussed at a meeting of Security Council of the Russian Federation, and in March, 2011 has been accepted by the State Duma and the Federal law "About Administrative Supervision of the Persons Released from Places of Detention" which has come into force since July 1, 2011 is approved by the Federation Council.Now there is no harmonious system of planning of actions for prevention of recurrent crime. The separate actions planned by law enforcement agencies join in quarter, annual plans and have no complex character. Meanwhile, the planning of actions for prevention of recurrent crime based on the scientific analysis of an operational (criminal) situation will allow law enforcement agencies, and first of all law-enforcement bodies (police) and correctional facilities, along with the solution of daily current questions and private tasks consistently, with prospect for the forthcoming period to carry out precautionary work with offenders.The main actions for prevention of recurrent crime have to be concentrated in the special section of the common regional plan for prevention of offenses. On its basis regular divisions of law-enforcement bodies and correctional facilities make more detailed actions which are in the plans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs, penal correction system for prevention of recurrent crime which provide continuity in work of correctional facilities and law-enforcement bodies (police), holding the special events entering competence of these bodies, including for implementation of administrative supervision of the persons released from correctional facilities (places of detention).Field services of law enforcement agencies concretize actions for prevention of recurrent crime in annual or long-term plans of the work.Gorrayorgana of internal affairs (police) and correctional facilities make quarter plans in which have to occupy with one of the most important places measures for prevention of recurrent crime.Knowing the forecast of behavior released from correctional facilities, police officers, first of all district police officers in the territory of whose service such persons stay, make individual actions where provide these or those means and methods of preventive impact on the persons who are on account and under administrative supervision.Measures for the household and labor device released from places of detention have to hold a specific place.In correctional facilities operational devices on which according to article 84 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation tasks of ensuring personal security of convicts, personnel of correctional facilities and other persons, identification, prevention and disclosure of the crimes preparing and committed in correctional facilities and disorderly conduct of serving sentence are assigned are engaged in the organizer of precautionary and preventive actions.
recurrent crime, penitentiary crime, the plans of measures according to prevention of recurrent (peniten-tiary) crime, types of actions for prevention of recurrent (penitentiary) crime, contents of plans for prevention of recurrent (penitentiary) crime
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