Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Novokuzneck, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Modern Russian society has experienced constant and signifi cant changes in recent years creating the need to reform the system of general and secondary vocational education and highlighting the problem of continuous vocational training. The article substantiates the idea of developing the theoretical and methodological foundations for advanced vocational training. It also shows the importance of this training for ensuring a sustainable innovative social and economic development of Russian regions. The article presents the goals and objectives of the study, describes the mechanisms of their implementation through The Centers for advanced training and the creation of appropriate conditions ensuring the integrity of the educational and production process. It also specifi es the development and testing of multi-level textbooks and teaching materials, the use of innovative technologies and various forms of interaction, including the creation of educational and industrial clusters on the basis of vocational education institutions. The authors of this study employ diff erent approaches and general scientifi c research, empirical, dialectical, experimental and specifi c sociological methods such as conversation, questioning, testing and pedagogical observation.
advanced vocational training, secondary vocational education, integration and interaction, educational and industry cluster.
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