Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Advertising is an example of persuasive communication, at the beginning of the XXI century it becomes the object of linguistic research in the field of speech suggestion. In the article the author analyzes the proper names as a group of the linguistic signs that ensure the functioning of the program of undocumented influence in the consciousness of the subject and aim to persuade him to buy the advertised object. The material of the study is commercial advertising texts from the magazine «Tatler». The choice of this source of the actual material is due to its prototypicity. This international highly artistic glossy magazine, focused on creating a model of the world of luxury and comfort, is an effective advertising medium. The author comes to the conclusion that in the aspect of suggestive linguistics problems the proper names of three groups are especially important for the advertising text: pragmatonyms, anthroponyms and toponyms. The orientation of the magazine «Tatler» for a specific target audience (people with a high level of the material wealth) affects the selection of the pragmatonyms, anthroponyms and toponyms. For example, pragmatonyms-globalisms, symbolic pragmatonyms, calling cosmetic, jewelry, watch brands, etc., allusive names of the persons with a common background of world fame, the names of the countries and cities that are leaders of the fashion and the beauty industry. These groups of names implement suggestive strategies of idealization of the advertised object and imitation of its exclusivity, high quality, participate in the creation of a psychological effect of the trust, form a positive motivation for the purchase.

advertising communication, glossy magazine, text, suggestion, proper name, function

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