The paper features the main trends in the technological development of the banking industry in the Russian Federation. The tendencies determine the prospects of structural changes in the banking sector at the basic level in the near future. The article describes the probable consequences of intensive introduction of technological innovations in traditional banking from the point of view of changes in infrastructure on a national scale. It includes a review of new financial technologies in the banking industry, reflecting the evolution of the business process management system in credit institutions, based on the changes in their infrastructure. The research is conducted from the position of personal practical experience of the author. It concentrates business processes in credit institutions (banks) in terms of processing credit applications of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The expansion of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the field of banking is considered from the position of introduction of new information technologies. The authors propose an image of the future business process management system in banking organizations. They describe the tasks facing the management of a credit institution concerning the structural and qualitative changes in the business process management. Its basic principles include removal of all stages of lending to legal entities outside the regional infrastructure; revision of risk management; introduction of scoring algorithms in the risk assessment of a potential credit transaction. All these aspects can be interesting and promising subjects for further research.
financial technologies, financial innovations, blockchain, financial service, banking infrastructure
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