Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents fiction as a multi-layer unit. On the one hand, there is fictional reality in which characters live and act. On the other hand, there is a specific form of presentation of the plot to the reader, fiction narrative metadiscourse. The paper shows that metadiscourse unites the plot and the author’s metadiscourse into fiction text. Metadiscourse is presented as a two-layer structure, which consists of the inner conceptual layer and the outer layer, which includes the system of language means the choice of which is made on the basis of conceptual frame models. The paper describes frame models of metadiscourse forming the inner structure of the text. They are: the frame model of space and time, the frame model of generalization and the frame model of communicative interaction between the writer and the reader.

metadiscourse, phrame model, fictional reality, fictional time, generalization, dialogue of the author with the reader.

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