Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of filling cognitive-semantic gaps by borrowings-anglicisms denoting intolerant behavior. The authors present an analysis of some of the most frequent lexical units in different aspects: the meaning, frequency of use and word-formation potential of these lexemes are described, the specificity of the use of these lexemes in real and virtual communication are considered. Special attention is paid to media texts and the functioning of borrowings in the headlines. The authors also establish the features of assimilation of the vocabulary, its determinologization and transition to the active thesaurus of native speakers. Analyzing the level of development of these lexemes, the authors conclude that this group of vocabulary is gradually being included in the active thesaurus of native speakers. The article also presents some results of the analysis of the perception of the borrowings by native speakers of the recipient language. About 20 lexical units were analyzed.

loanwords, pragmatic, tolerance, anglicism, angloamericanism, virtual language personality, media.

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