The article proposes an express study of the criteria for the transition of business organizations into a digital transformative format, as well as the assessment of risk situations in the managerial relations of the heads of business organizations in the initial stage of DH. The methodical basis of research and development are reflexive blank platforms, the content of which is the awareness, understanding and rethinking of this complex process. As a research tool, the article uses two refl exive platforms, presented as methodological research consultant-development. The relevance of the problem lies in the need for such social research and consulting development, which would help to visualize diagnostic methods that reveal the degree of preparation of managers to enter the digital process of transformation of managerial relations. In modern conditions of a gradual transition to digital technologies, it is important to develop such platforms refl exively and methodically ensuring this process, which could replace cumbersome questionnaires in the personnel management service. The scientifi c novelty of the proposed article is that the author uses express methods, i.e. new research tools that combine at the same time the speed of obtaining results and refl exive training of managers on the results obtained, i.e. intensify self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-correction of their own “I” of the leader, changing his behavior in managerial relations with the staff . Thus, there is a process of autonomous assimilation by managers of rethought management values. Practical value. Using this methodology, the personnel management service thus gets the opportunity to quickly obtain the results of self-interview managers and develop on this basis, more qualitative teaching methods. This refl exive-methodical platform of digital transformation makes it possible to make the transition to new technologies, thereby self-supporting further advancement to such developments that directly and organically stimulate in a phase, that is, in a step-by-step organization of the transition to new development conditions, reducing stress situations and thereby minimizing the costs of innovation. It activates development of intellectual resources in personnel management.
personality interactions, managerial relations, heuristic potential of employees, energy potential of employees, refl exive-methodical platforms, business models, visual ideologemes, mimicry risk
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