Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Taking into consideration the present social trends of the public ideal search based among other, on general equality, the author studies deviations fairly established in the law and legislation from a position of legal approach and also studies possible defects of legal regulation caused by it. On the basis of the analysis of doctrinal sources, rules of law and judicial practice the proportion of such negative phenomena of legal life as «abuse» and «discrimination» through the prism of legal immunities, privileges, are revealed in the article. The purpose of the research – is to subject to judgment the present in science and practice points of view about the nature and the content of the advantages abuse and discrimination then on this basis to develop the definite steps of optimization in the sphere of legal norms application. Using general scientific and particular scientific learning tools among which are executive, comparative legal methods, methods of interpretation, the author distinguishing in the society the parties that have immunities, privileges and use special law procedures for the realization of their rights defines the elements of similarity and distinction of the considered phenomena and also their interaction and the contradictions. The received results allow us to make the proposals directed to increase in efficiency of the mechanism of realization of the deviations from equality, risk reduction caused by social stratification of society.

abuse, discrimination, legal advantage, equality, legal status
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