Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of socio-legal conditionality of the criminal record as a complex phenomenon in the criminal legislation of Tajikistan and Russia. The author analyzes and reflects the arguments in favor of the existence of the institution of criminal record, and against it for each of which the author notes his vision. In addition, on the studied issue, empirical materials are provided, namely the results of the survey of respondents, statistics and examples from judicial practice. In conclusion, the author concludes that the institution of criminal record, with the exception of individual cases, is essential not only in the theory and practice of criminal and criminal-Executive law, but also in other branches of law. For this reason, he argues that it is imperative not only to keep this institution in the legislation of both countries, but also to continue to work on its further improvement

institute of criminal record, criminal law, law, justice, Tajikistan, Russia
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