The article focuses on the issue of physical activity of children and young people with special attention to students in foreign schools for which this problem has become urgent in recent decades. The authors consider the projects devoted to the development of new courses and their introduction into school educational programs as well as into teacher training abroad. These projects promote physical education and sports activity widely recognized as priority guidelines for future generation development. The paper includes the analysis of positive experience on the organization of physical culture lessons and extra-curricular sports activities in some European and Asian countries. The authors also discuss the work of international institutions on promoting schoolchildren’s physical activity in the context of international programs and projects. The research vector of the present study is directed towards the familiarization of Russian professionals with foreign investigations and practice in the fi eld of physical education and sport to enable possible comparison of their own experience with the experience existing in other countries according to chosen discourse. The article is based on authentic scientifi c materials from foreign sources, contains up-to-date statistics and presents research techniques which might broaden scientifi c and practical horizons of researchers and teachers in Russia.
physical activity, physical culture, physical education, sports activity, school
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