Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The issues of translation are in the focus of attention of translation theorists and linguists, for whom the linguistic approach has been dominant for decades. Translation theory and practice are noted for numerous theories and models that have been developed to explain the complex process of switching from one language to another. This article discusses the interpretative model of translation, which excludes the concept of “untranslatability”, put forward by Von Humboldt in the 19th century, which some scholars accepted in the 20th century as well. Translation is a multidimensional and multifaceted process, the mechanisms of which are in the focus of the representatives of different academic disciplines. In place of the linguistic approach, which was dominant for a long time, recently new theories, approaches and models have emerged; among them the interpretative model is considered to be one of the most cogent.

translation, linguistic approach, interpretation model, theory of untranslatability, students’ qualification works

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