Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the features of the formation of the wage system during the fi nancial crisis using the example of the banking sector. One of the key recommendations of the international organization — the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision — has been toughening the rules for paying remuneration, in particular bonuses to top managers. It is described that, in accordance with the directive, the variable part of the remuneration should not exceed the annual amount of the fi xed remuneration, while 50% of the premium should be issued in shares or shares or should be adjusted by a formula depending on the change in their value. In addition, payments from 40% to 60% of the premium should be delayed for a period of three to fi ve years. In addition, the article systematizes the statutory provisions of the wage system of organizations in the banking sector of Russia.

the formation of a wage system, uniform banking standards, the variable part of remuneration, the provisions of the wage system, the fi xed part of wages, deferred remuneration, legal regulation of the wage system

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