Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern globalization makes companies follow world trends and form development strategies for 5–10 years on the basis of analysis of the future changes. One of the crucial factors of competitive ability is its innovation in products and services, their characteristics; business-models and systems of resources management. To provide successful future, the company management actively works on such HR aspects as strategies of formation, involvement, holding of the key resource — company employees potential. Human resources diversity management is a growing trend in most international companies: the main source of innovation ideas is their employees who have various styles of thinking. These are the employees who have wishes, needs, interests, personal opinions and above all ideas which can be used by a company in the future. Staff diversity allows it to look diff erently, at diff erent angles and through diff erent eyes at many things and situations. Their diversity gives numerous ideas which develop and transform companies. The review of the approaches and characteristic of human resources diversity is presented here. Benchmarking of HR diversity management projects includes description of solved tasks and carried out projects, changes of human resources management and business performance indices. The research has been carried out in term of the “Innovation Approaches to Human Resources Management: Analysis of Successful Practices” project. The project period is from December 2018 till March 2019. As this problem is not widely presented in open sources, the materials will be interesting and useful for HR-managers in various economy sectors who work both in Russia and abroad and aim at long-term business development.

human resources, human resources diversity, diversifi ed teams, human resources diversity management, HR-projects

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