Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the consideration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work during the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries as a key body of state management. For the studied period (55 years) there were no any spheres of state and public life that would not be affected by the Ministry. Different functions ranging from its direct tasks – fighting with crime – to internal affairs issues of the state were concentrated in the Ministry work. Special attention is paid to the study and detailed analysis of the legal status of the Ministry of internal Affairs, drawn up on the basis of determination of the position of the Ministry of internal Affairs among other ministries of equal order and in the system of state administration as a whole; in terms of its broad competence, based on the basic principles of its activities and the analysis of a number of normative legal acts, which in total determine the legal status of the state body. The changes in the structure of the Ministry of internal Affairs related to the rapidly changing political situation were noted, the functions performed by the Ministry were clearly considered, and it was made an attempt to substantiate the determination of the Ministry’s place in the system of state administration as a key link on the basis of a detailed analysis of its legal status.

Russian Empire, Ministry of Internal Affairs, legal status, police, state power
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