, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
Modern public administration is based on the legal basis. It determines the need to build a system of legal acts in a logical and consistent system. Law-making should be based on the social essence of law and its functions. The research indicates the imperfection of certain normative legal acts and the need to improve the legislation. The task of legal sciences is to offer a concept of legislation that will meet the needs of society, take into account the socio-economic development of the state interests of the individual. Special regulation is required in the field of public life such as road safety, affecting most branches of law. The definition of the concept of the individual branches of law governing this area should be based on a general concept. It determines the relevance of the study, which examines the theoretical approaches to the formation of the concept of legal regulation and through its prism the possibility of forming the concept of individual normative legal acts is considered, including the concept of a new code of administrative offences. The study used general scientific research methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization and deduction, as well as general scientific empirical methods such as observation. As a result of the study conducted in the article, the conclusions are made that specific legislative acts should not only be consistent with the general system of legal norms, among themselves and meet the requirements of legal technology, but also consistent with the social grounds of legitimization. Taking into account the conclusions drawn, the question of the need to revise the concept of the code of administrative offences is considered and certain provisions are proposed that can be taken into account in its formation.
legal system, lawmaking, law, road safety, the concept of the code of administrative offenses, responsibility for administrative offenses
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