, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
The article is devoted to the analysis of the terminological apparatus associated with the phenomenon of quasi-judicial justice. The goal is to consider the legal interpretation of the concepts of “quasi-judicial justice” as a set of bodies and institutions providing alternative judicial means of resolving conflicts in society. The research methodology consisted of formal legal and analytical methods. The paper uses methods of linguistic analysis. The study determines the formal and essential (material) approaches to the definition of quasijudicialness. There is a diversity of phenomena that form quasi-judicial institutions in the historical and modern sense and the lack of certainty of word usage in the legal field: normative acts and the doctrine of law. The conclusions are based on the departure from tradition, the negative coloring of the phenomenon of quasi-judicial justice, which is based on the practice of applying the decisions of administrative justice bodies as a tool for building an authoritarian political model of the USSR.
administrative justice, alternative ways to resolve conflicts, quasi-judicial justice, quasijudicial social institution, judicial authorities, arbitration proceedings
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