Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of planning operational search operations conducted by the operational units of the internal affairs agencies, and is based on the analysis of the practical activities of the police (militia) and counterintelligence agencies of Russia, some works of domestic and foreign researchers and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On operational search activities”. The availability of a single plan and intention is recognized as mandatory features of operational-search operations, along with coordination of all operational-search measures and other supportive tactical methods of action envisaged by them for the purpose, time and place (objects). The content of the plan and intention, their relationship, dependence on the purpose and scale of the operation, and the assessment by the manager and the operational officer of the general and specific operational situation are considered. It was stated that there is an insufficient normative entrenchment of the issues of physical detention of suspects, ambushes and other supportive tactical methods of action. Based on the personal experience of the author, some practical recommendations are given on the use of operational combinations, operational games, the use of tactical principles, including the principle of surprise that is mandatory for arranging and conducting operations, conducting reconnaissance, applying operational masking, etc.

operational search operation, plan, intention, operational game, operational combination, tactical principles, surprise, interaction
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