Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At this time, a scientific approach has developed in ballistics, in which the topic of the conditions of the shot is addressed only within solving its individual issues. This causes fragmentation and incompleteness of information about the conditions of a shot in judicial ballistics, hinders its development, reduces the possibility of a forensic ballistic examination in providing disclosure and investigation of crimes. In order to solve the problem, the authors examined the nature of scientific knowledge about the conditions of a shot in judicial ballistics, assessed their place in the system of judicial ballistics, identified areas of scientific knowledge that determine their content. It is established that scientific knowledge about the conditions of the shot is derived from judicial ballistics and is of a theoretical and applied nature, reflecting the principle of building knowledge, their focus on taking into account the influence of these conditions in displaying the properties and attributes of weapons, cartridges and traces of their action in solving expert problems. The process of generating information about the conditions of the shot, in addition to the scientific and methodological apparatus of forensic ballistics, determines the integration of the scientific knowledge of forensics, forensics, military equipment and forensic medicine. An element of the development of judicial ballistics is the structural isolation in it of a section containing a system of scientific knowledge about the conditions of the shot. This will allow focusing on the theoretical, methodological and organizational side of the problem, create conditions for increasing the scientific and methodological support of forensic ballistic expert studies.

forensic ballistics, shot conditions, small firearms, cartridges, methods for solving expert problems
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