Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The game teaching method has been used for a long time and has been known since ancient times as a means of socializing an individual in society. In the educational process and in the process of becoming a young specialist, he becomes very popular. A quest as a form of modern learning refers to active learning methods. The word quest is relatively new to our audience. Literally from English — this is a "search", which can be associated with an adventure or a game. The entire plot of the quest is replete with various clues that help you decide how to deal with this or that difficulty. Thus, the passage of the quest is somewhat reminiscent of the solution to a kind of puzzle. The goal is the synthesis of theoretical knowledge gained during training to achieve the necessary practical result. Methodology. In preparation for the quest training program for residents, scenarios were developed that included sections: the main problem, the skills learned, a brief description, the participants, the necessary training equipment, the preparation of equipment for the quest, the preparation of the study room for the quest, supplies, and a description of the scenario , description of the quest process, entry into the script, algorithm for the correct actions of residents. Clinical scenarios were developed for dentists on the topics: “Filling and maintaining medical records”, “Clinical communication, examination and treatment of a patient with a dental profile”. Results. An educational quest from the point of view of psychology allows you to individualize the learning process, use the entire educational space and create the best conditions for the development and self-realization of participants in educational relations. Findings. Non-standard approaches to the organization of natural science studies, based on independent research activities, stimulate the formation of cognitive interest in practical dentistry, as shown by our survey of students and the results of intermediate certification. The quest training offered by us, of course, is interactive and based on the principles of communication, student activity, reliance on group experience.

quest in the educational process, psychological preparation for medical activity, communicative competence, interactive technologies, psycho-education, professional self-determination, professional orientation

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