Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research features the efficiency of the strategy development of congress-exhibition sector in St. Petersburg. The paper also describes the system weaknesses in the context of brand destination formation for business tourism. A powerful brand of an attractive touristic destination requires permanent diversification and improvement of the product. Business tourism is a highly remunerative segment in tourism industry. Therefore, its development is relevant for regional economy. Infrastructural environment is the determining factor for market capacity calculation. It remains important for strategic development initiatives in the sphere of positive image formation and high-quality services delivery. The methodological background included system approach to the local investment climate, which resulted in the development and classification of St. Petersburg congress-exhibition market. This approach is able to confirm direct or indirect connection between city ranks in the affected industry, as well as the actual implementation of strategic governmental initiatives. However, global strategies in the congress-exhibition service market cannot be applied to the current state of the industry in St. Petersburg. The new strategy can be implemented only after the development of a unified indivisible system approach to recording and classifying events at the congress-exhibition market. In addition, the local business processes have to be improved by applying effective experience of competitive destinations.

congress-exhibition activities, congress-exhibition services market condition, industry competitive capacity, forums, venues
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