, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The formation of social skills among students of diff erent categories becomes an urgent task of the system of general and additional education. The article presents the results of a survey of teachers of schools and organizations of additional education on the problem of formation of social skills in school age students.
general education, additional education, socialization, social skills, questioning, educational results
1. Koncepciya sozdaniya sovremennogo instrumentariya formirovaniya i razvitiya bytovyh navykov razlichnyh kategorij obuchayushchihsya obshcheobrazovatel'nyh organizacij i organizacij dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [The concept of creating modern tools for the formation and development of everyday skills of various categories of students of general educational organizations and organizations of additional education]. Available at: http://xn--e1aajfpcds8ay4h.xn--80aaaow4bv7a1f.xn--80asehdb/Proekt_Koncepcii.pdf (accessed 03 September 2019).
2. Kuz'mina E.V. Osobennosti formirovaniya social'no-bytovyh navykov vospitannikov detskogo doma [Features of the formation of social and everyday skills of pupils of the orphanage]. Materialy XI Mezhdunarodnoj studencheskoj nauchnoj konferencii «Studencheskij nauchnyj forum» [Materials of the XI International Student Scientific Conference "Student Scientific Forum"]. Available at: https://scienceforum.ru/2019/article/2018015251 (accessed 29 August 2019).
3. Social'no-bytovye navyki: orientiry XXI v.: materialy I Vserossijskoj konferencii [Social and household skills: benchmarks of the XXI century: materials of the I All-Russian conference]. Moscow, 2019. Available at: http://xn--e1aajfpcds8ay4h.xn--80aaaow4bv7a1f.xn--80asehdb/ (accessed 03 September 2019).