Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Almost 100 % of people living on Earth have various dental health problems. As a result of studies, it was found that adherence to treatment, individual oral hygiene and attitude to one's health are closely related to the personality characteristics of patients. The goal is to identify the psychological characteristics of the patient that affect their dental behavior and oral health. Methodology. The study involved 99 people aged 19 to 67 years. The following psychodiagnostic techniques were used: Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scales; Kenneth A. Wallson, Diagnosis of Interpersonal Relationship Test (T. Leary), Leonard-Schmishek Characterological Questionnaire (adult), Individual-Typological Questionnaire Sobchik L.N. (ITO), Questionnaire for self-assessment of the state of the Military Medical Academy. C.M. Kirova (ACC), Personality Questionnaire of the Bekhterev Institute (LOBI). Hygienic and periodontal indices, the treatment need index were determined using CPITN, PMA, Saxer&Muhlemann, Silness&Loe, OHI-S. Results. In the course of the study, after processing the data, statistically significant differences were revealed in the profile of the personality characteristics of patients, depending on which they differently perform doctor's prescriptions. Conclusions. The dentist must take into account the personal characteristics of patients when explaining medical recommendations and selecting preventive or therapeutic programs. The data obtained as a result of the study allow the dentist to predict the patient’s willingness to follow the recommendations for caring for the oral cavity and maintaining their health, as well as to build an individual treatment plan that takes into account the patient’s characteristics and his level of compliance. An individualized approach to the patient, we assume, will increase the level of compliance, which in turn will ensure a reduction in dental diseases in patients.

compliance, commitment to treatment, psychological features of patients, relevance of treatment, compliance

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