Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This scientific article is prepared on the basis of normative legal acts, materials of investigative and judicial practice, it deals with the most pressing issues of combating corruption in modern Russia. A special place is given to the presentation of the existing problems of prevention, suppression and disclosure of crimes of corruption at the present stage of development of the Russian Federation. Scientific and practical interest is represented by the stated measures directed on effective counteraction to corruption manifestations, and also offers on their improvement taking into account the developed practice and positive experience of foreign countries. The article discusses and reveals the topical issues of promotion of anti-corruption behavior and anticorruption legal awareness in law schools and with the personnel of law enforcement agencies, in particular, improving the criteria for the selection of candidates for positions of employees. The expediency and applicability of the above measures not only to current and future law enforcement officers, but also to all civil servants and employees of other industries exposed to corruption risks and conflicts of interest are fully justified. The results of the application of anti-corruption measures with their proper use, as well as compliance with the principles of continuity and ubiquity of their implementation. It is indicated that the use of the above means, measures and principles of anti-corruption behavior of civil servants leads to a significant reduction in the number of corruption crimes in the internal Affairs bodies and complicates the further appearance of this type of criminal attacks of corruption orientation.

Corruption manifestations, self-awareness of citizens, normative legal acts, anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption, bribery
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