Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
The article presents the reasons for the increased values of criminal victimization of children compared with adults. The dynamics of violent domestic crimes victims committed in Russia based on official statistic. The most common types of criminal violence against children have described. The features of minor’s victimization have investigated. The main reduction factors of the officially registered mass of criminal assaults victims in the family have identified. Three levels of victimological prevention have disclosed: general social, special, individual. Special measures are considered at each level, subjects of victimological prevention at each level have identified. The authors analyzed the victimological measures, which are conditionally divided into three time stages: the first is the pre-criminal period; the second - the suppression period, identification and resolution of criminal conflicts against minors; the third is a post-criminal period. The structures whose activity is to carry out social adaptation have listed. There are temporary detention centers for juvenile delinquents in the system of internal affairs bodies. In these centers, children have provided with psychological, pedagogical, social, legal and other types of services. These measures contribute to a certain reduction in the recurrence of offenses. Of particular importance in reducing child victimization have employees of the internal affairs bodies and social worker.
victim, violence, crime, children’s victimization, family, prevention, victimological measures, crisis situation
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