, Russian Federation
The article considers the specifics of the communicative culture of modern Russian students, identifies the main characteristic features of its communication practices. The authors prove the importance of the problem of procrastination communication based on social and civic passivity of students, reducing the degree of motivation for socially significant goals, priorities of professional and personal growth. The features of modern domestic educational institutions associated with the lack of development of their corporate culture, the backlog of training of teachers in the aspect of their psychological and pedagogical competencies are determined. The necessity of a comprehensive approach to the formation and correction of communicative culture of students, based on the simultaneity of the processes of creating a high corporate culture of educational institutions, improving the psychological and communication competence of teachers, creating a system of social and educational support of civic activity, professional and creative self-realization of young people.
communicative culture, youth, education, upbringing, educational institutions, social and educational work
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