Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the actual economic problem of today’s society is the reduction of a complex skilled labor to a simpler, which in fact bears important theoretical and practical applications. The research involves the resolution of significant economic problems, and above all, the improvement of pricing and the tariff system as well as the establishment of objective principles for the differentiation of salaries. The article identifies the main factors of the reproduction of labor power and factors of salary differentiation, which includes labor complexity, labor intensity, working conditions and social significance. Hence the salary band depends on the combination of the above listed factors. The cost of skilled labor reproduction and its value added have different starting points for the formation, their value is determined by factors lying in different planes. The source of value added created by simple labor is the expenditure of average labor, which does not require special training, over a certain unit of time. Wages are determined by the conditions for the reproduction of labor power, consisting of a number of the elements listed above, at a given level of development of productive forces and the tasks of expanded reproduction.

labor factors, wage, work difficulty, work intensity, working conditions, social significance

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