Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this paper the usability of descriptive geometry’s methods for solution problems related to theoretical mechanics is considered. Descriptive geometry emerged as a science intended for solution the problems of human activity’s different branches. In connection with development of modern graphical means, the value of descriptive geometry is greatly underestimated, but it is on descriptive geometry’s principles and laws that have been built algorithms used in graphic applications [30]. For a long time descriptive geometry has been used by scientists in various spheres of human activity [27]. In study of general technical disciplines, interdisciplinary connections play an important role, especially between theoretical disciplines, whose understanding is particularly difficult for students [35]. Understanding the possibility of using descriptive geometry’s methods, students can think over aspects of their use in the performance of tasks under study, for example, theoretical mechanics. Methods, which can be use while solving problems from the course of theoretical mechanics, are learned by students in the standard course of descriptive geometry and are not particularly difficult. Therefore, the graphical approach to solving problems of theoretical mechanics is accessible and understandable for majority of successful students. In this paper example problems from the course of theoretical mechanics on the topics "Plane System of Forces" and "Spatial System of Forces" have been considered. Graphical problem solving was performed using the image of force vectors with the help of orthogonal projections. For checking the correctness of graphicalcons.

descriptive geometry, graphic method of problem solving, problems of theoretical mechanics, descriptive geometry’s methods, orthogonal projections

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