Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern trends in the development of society pose challenges to organizations related to the development and application of complex technologies, which will be able to ensure highquality evaluation of personnel, thus identifying their professional and personal potential. The development and implementation of the necessary tools contributes to the solution of the set tasks, increasing the effi ciency of the whole enterprise. The selection of appropriate methods of personnel evaluation should be related to the problems encountered in working with the organization ‘s labour resources. Among the frequent diffi culties in working with personnel it is common to highlight: the prevalence of subjective opinion of the manager when assessing the competences of employees; Inconsistency of requirements for employees; Insuffi cient consideration of the specifi cs of the activities of a particular enterprise; Formalized framework for personnel evaluation procedure; Narrow focus of the applied evaluation methods, insuffi cient integration of the evaluation procedure into the personnel management system. Technologies of personnel assessment are forms of intensive management infl uence on economic, social and spiritual spheres of society activity, as well as on society as a whole. The sustainability and stability of the identifi ed mechanisms of interaction in the implementation of personnel assessment technologies should be taken into account. In order to clarify the main theoretical aspects and to draw the relevant practical conclusions, the authors attempted to carry out this study.

performance appraisal, selection, selection, hiring of personnel in the organizations, human resource management, human resources

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