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Abstract (English):
The urgency of the problems of combating crime committed through the media and telecommunication networks has reached a high level. The present paper gives a detail analysis of the notions of “inducement” and “appeals” made by the Supreme Court of Russia, explanatory dictionaries as well as criminal law scholars. Based on the analysis the author suggests his own definitions of “inducement” and “appeals” in the Criminal law of the Russian Federation. The author solves the problem of qualifying an act in the case of competition rules, on the one hand, providing for participation in the commission of a crime, the objective side of which, among other things, can be performed by declination and appeals and, on the other hand, independent appeals and inducement to commit a crime. Using the example of article 212 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the author solves the problem of qualification of acts in the case of competition of criminal law norms. A comparison of punishments in the main part of the article and in the part where the act is carried out using the media or information and telecommunications networks is made. There are some articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the dispositions of which inducement and appeals do not provide implementation with the use of mass media and telecommunication networks. It is concluded that such norms need to be analyzed to establish more severe penalties for the acts influenced by media and telecommunication networks.

mass media, information and telecommunication networks, crimes related to information, qualification of crimes
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