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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problems of implementing Russia’s migration policy at this stage of the country’s socio-economic and demographic development. It is emphasized that in the conditions of natural loss of the Russian population and reduction of migration growth, the role and importance of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation are increasing. In order to meet the challenges of replenishing the permanent population and labor resources of Russia, migration legislation is being improved. recently, a Federal law and three presidential Decreeshave been adopted that simplify the procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship for compatriots. The article analyzes the law enforcement practice of regional authorities of the Russian Federation in relation to participants of the State program to assist in the voluntary relocation of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation. The author emphasizes the need to change the law enforcement practice of local administrative and law enforcement agencies in the field of migration, to eliminate unjustified rigidity and bureaucratic red tape in relation to displaced compatriots. A number of proposals have been developed to improve Russia’s migration policy in order to increase the attractiveness for compatriots of the State program to assist in the voluntary relocation of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation, as well as to increase the importance and priority for local administrative and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation of assisting displaced compatriots in solving problems of their settlement.

migration legislation, migration policy, migration growth, immigrants, compatriots, Russian citizenship
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