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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that in the modern world in response to the invention of new methods of committing crimes, employees of operational units can oppose high professionalism and a flexible mind, the ability to quickly detect and implement new, original ways to solve problems. Arguments are presented in favor of the opinion that operational-search activities are related to creative professions; A detailed interpretation of the concept of “creative abilities” is given taking into account the points of view of broadcasting specialists in this field. The author dispels the stereotype that this type of activity is ossified, noting that in the daily work of the operative there is a place for art that is close to acting, relating to both reincarnation when introduced into criminal circles, and regular communication with citizens, limited by the task and time frame . The article presents the results of the content and psychological analysis of publications from specialized periodicals devoted to the performance of outstanding and famous employees of the past and present, such as “Shield and Sword”, “Petrovka 38” and others. Based on the collected data and taking into account the assumption that all available creative abilities are similar in manifestation regardless of the historical context, a general table of various manifestations of creative abilities in official activities is compiled, detailed interpretations of individual points are given, and the percentage of each them taking into account the time slice chosen by the author. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that creative abilities play a key role in the professional development of each employee of the operational units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and both the success and the duration of the professional activities of the current and future employees of the operational police units directly depend on their continuous improvement.

creative abilities, employees of operational units, detectives, publications
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