Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The research objective was to study the effect of new technologies on service market using the case of airline ticket agencies. The study featured new marketing tools in the service sector and the effect of advanced technologies on the airline ticket market. Promotion instruments and methods are developing very fast. Nowadays, marketing relies on such concepts as cognitive marketing, cognitive technologies, behavioral marketing, SEO-promotion, and event-marketing. These approaches are different in nature but seek to satisfy and anticipate consumer expectations. Successful companies, e.g. Aeroflot and Sberbank, use effective combinations of these tools. A prompt adaptation to new technologies guarantees successful performance for small and medium-sized businesses. The research was based on such methods as observation, interview, scientific analysis, induction, and comparison. The empirical data were provided by the largest regional airline ticket agency. The authors used retrospective analysis of business documentation, interviewed the management, analyzed the client base, and conducted an express cost analysis. The research revealed both positive and negative consequences of digitalization. The airline ticket business proved to undergo serious changes during the digital transformation of the economy.
agent, consolidating company, contextual advertising, marketing, promotion, air ticket sales market, SEO-promotion
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