graduate student
Kemerovo, Russian Federation
he development of social insurance is a highly researched issue. However, its place and role in the system of social protection remains understudied, as well as its current transformations under the changing socio-economic conditions. The research objective was to analyze the development of social insurance as an instrument of social security in Russia and in the Siberian Federal District. The study featured the theoretical and practical aspects of the application of social insurance in the changing system of social security. The research was based on a systematic approach to social security and social insurance as one of its most important mechanisms. The article introduces a review of domestic and foreign researches. It also focuses on an analysis of related regulations and statistic data. The methods and materials made it possible to conduct a thorough analysis of the development of the compulsory social insurance in Russia as a governmental instrument. The authors also described the legal framework in the field of social insurance. The government supports the Social Security Funds. In the Siberian Federal District, the budget of the Social Security Funds increased due to the growing number of insurance premiums, e.g. taxes and penalties, as well as due to the state participation. The research revealed some changes processes in the sphere of social security in the Russian Federation. The changes proved to affect social insurance and the whole insurance industry.
insurance payments, insurance premiums, social security of the population, Social Security Fund, insurance risk
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