Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The course is designed for conducting lessons on information security of students on the Internet and reflects the current issues of safe work with personal information, messages and calls on a mobile phone, e-mail, information and communication resources on the Internet for access to resources for leisure, search for news, educational, educational information, communication in social networks, receiving and transferring files, placing personal information in collective social services. The course is based on technical, ethical and legal standards of information security compliance established by regulatory and law enforcement agencies, as well as practical recommendations of leading IT- companies and mobile operators of the Russian Federation.

information technologies, information security, school education, elective course

1. Roskomnadzor, oficial'nyj sajt Federal'noj sluzhby po nadzoru v sfere svyazi, informacionnyh tekhnologij i massovyh kommunikacij [Roskomnadzor, the official website of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications]. Available at:

2. Cvetkova M.S. Informacionnaya bezopasnost'. Pravila bezopasnogo Interneta. 2–4 klassy [Information Security. Secure Internet Rules. Grades 2–4: study guide]. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij Publ., 2020. 111 p.

3. Cvetkova M.S. Informacionnaya bezopasnost'. Bezopasnoe povedenie v seti Internet. 5–6 klassy [Information Security. Safe behavior on the Internet. Grades 5-6: study guide]. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij Publ., 2020. 96 p.

4. Cvetkova M.S. Informacionnaya bezopasnost'. Kiberbezopasnost'. 7–9 klassy [Information Security. Cybersecurity. Grades 7–9: study guide]. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij Publ., 2020. 64 p.

5. Cvetkova M.S. Informacionnaya bezopasnost': Pravovye osnovy informacionnoj bezopasnosti. 10-11 klassy [Information Security: Legal basis of information security. 10-11 classes]. Moscow: BINOM. Laboratoriya znanij Publ., 2020.

6. Sajt elektronnogo prilozheniya k posobiyam po informacionnoj bezopasnosti [Website for the electronic supplement to information security manuals]. Available at:

7. «Bezopasnyj Bilajn», kompaniya Bilajn [“Safe Beeline”, Beeline company]. Available at:

8. «Bezopasnost'», Kompaniya MTS [“Security”, MTS Company]. Available at:

9. «Bezopasnoe obshchenie», kompaniya Megafon [“Safe communication”, Megafon company]. Available at:

10. «Pamyatka po bezopasnomu obshcheniyu», kompaniya Megafon [“Memo on safe communication”, Megafon company]. Available at:

11. Otkrytyj onlajn kurs «Bezopasnost' v Internete», «Akademiya Yandeks», kompaniya Yandeks [Open online course "Internet Security", Yandex Academy, Yandex]. Available at:

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