Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Subject. Syndrome of pain dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is one of the common pathologies of TMJ. Patients with this diagnosis complain of a violation of the movements of the lower jaw, discomfort and pain in the joint. The writings of many authors contain a deep and comprehensive discussion of various aspects of this problem, and scientific justification is given that TMJ dysfunction is almost always accompanied by muscle symptoms. One method of treatment is the use of occlusal splints. In this regard, the task of determining the effectiveness of eliminating muscular-articular dysfunction using individual occlusal splints is relevant. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of treatment of TMJ dysfunction with occlusal splints according to kinesiography. Methodology. The kinesiographic study on the Myotronics K7 apparatus consisted of sequentially performing functional tests (opening and closing the mouth, lower jaw movements to the side) and using the method of percutaneous electroneurostimulation. In the treatment of all patients, an occlusal positioner splint was used, which was made individually in an articulator using an interocclusal register in the neuromuscular position of the lower jaw. The average treatment period was 4.5 months with monthly adjustments to the occlusal splint. Results. As a result of treatment with the use of the occlusal splint, disturbances in the trajectory in the transverse (in 70 % of cases) and sagittal (in 65 % of cases) planes were eliminated, the position of the lower jaw in the neuromuscular position (in 100 % of cases) was normalized. Conclusions. Treatment of patients with TMJ dysfunction using individual occlusal splints is one of the most effective ways to treat this pathology.
functional disorders, temporomandibular joint, kinesiography, occlusal splint, muscular-articular dysfunction
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