Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Special assessment of working conditions (SAWС) is a set of measures to identify harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the production environment and the labor process and assess the level of their impact on the employee. SAWС is regulated by the law of the Russian Federation and is mandatory for employers organizations. The current rules have been applied in practice relatively recently, since 2014. Despite a lot of comments on the legal aspects of SAWС, there is little research on the subjective perception of customers and performers of problems related to special assessment. The article presents some of the results of a survey of experts who conduct SAWС and representatives of customer organizations. The difficulties and reasons for dissatisfaction arising during the SAWС are identified, which relate to the choice of the contractor, the interest and involvement of customers, and compliance with procedures and deadlines by both parties. Based on the results of the survey and regulatory documents, step-by-step recommendations were developed and presented to help customer organizations. Recommendations contain a list of common errors that should be avoided. They will allow you to properly prepare and conduct all the stages of the SAWС, starting from the formation of the Commission to the application of the results.

special assessment of working conditions, SAWС, staff survey, studying the opinions of the participants of the SAWС

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