Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2015 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
Based on the study of modern domestic and foreign literature, the article reveals a variety of methodological approaches to the phenomenon of social gifting. The structure, essence, stages and functions of the gift act are analyzed. It is shown that a social gift is a non-verbal means of communication, a carrier of encoded information about the gift giver, the gift acceptor and the gift situation itself, aimed at establishing, maintaining and strengthening long-term social ties. The informational and symbolic effects of gift are disclosed, it is said about the change in the communication properties of a gift in modern society. The authors of the article showed that in a communication society, along with the positive aspects of social donation (ease of transmission, high level of emotionality, high social impact, etc.), negative aspects are also inevitable: an increase in the moment of uncertainty, non-guaranteed positivity of the consequences of the gift. The analysis of new forms of social gift: virtual gifts, digital gifts, gifts through social networks — is of particular interest. The authors investigate the new social risks of such gifts: insufficient privacy, excessive openness, the danger of losing the national-cultural component of the gift act, etc. The article is of great interest to all who study social transformations taking place in a communication society.
social gift, digital gift, virtual gift, ritual gift, anti-economic gift, symbolic meaning of social gift
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