Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.81 Криминология
OKSO 40.03.01 Юриспруденция
BBK 6751 Криминология
TBK 7587 Криминология
BISAC LAW026000 Criminal Law / General
This article provides a classification and characteristics of persons convicted for crimes in the field of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances illicit trafficking. The article deals with the statistics in this sphere over the past five years. Based on the collected empirical evidence the authors analyzed the qualitative indicators of convicted drug offenders. The examination of statistical data from investigative and judicial practice on crimes in the field of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances illicit trafficking made it possible to sketch a criminal profile of a person sentenced to imprisonment: a citizen of the Russian Federation, a male between 18 to 39 years, having a secondary general or vocational education. Moreover, the personality of a convicted person is characterized by his internal criteria deformation devaluing the norms and rules that express and consolidate public interests. The authors also conducted a comparative analysis of offenders convicted both in the Russian Federation and in such federal subjects as Saint-Petersburg and Leningrad region. The choice of St. Petersburg as one of the objects of this research is justified by the fact that it has been among the leaders of the regions with the largest number of recorded drug-related crimes for several years.
conviction, judicial statistics, criminal personality, drug-related crimes, convicts, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances
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