Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this research, there was considered a challenge of constructing a system of scientific knowledge of the shot conditions in judicial ballistics. It was observed that there are underlying factors that are intended to ensureits [scientific knowledge] consistency: identification of the list of shot conditions, which require consideration when solving expert-level research tasks on weapons, cartridges and traces of their action; determination of the communication systems in the course of objects’ interaction, which present the result of exposure to the conditions of the shot; classification of the shot conditions based on the grounds significant for solving scientific and practical problems. The article contains the characteristics of a constructive, functional factor (condition) of weapons and cartridges influence, environmental and fire factors, the structure of the target and its physical properties, situational and spatial factors, and projectile energy characteristics. Highlighted are the forms of connections formed in the course of objects’ interaction, proposed are the author’s classifications of forensically significant shooting conditions with them being divided on the basis of the following criteria: production from the object of interaction, production from a natural phenomenon, production method, results weapon operation and utilization, duration of exposure, type of structural connections between interaction objects, number of conditions that apply when firing and the forming traces.

shot conditions, systematization, objects of interaction, forensic ballistics, firearms

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