Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 34 Право. Юридические науки
GRNTI 10.77 Уголовное право
In this article, the authors based on the basic provisions of cognitive psychology and the General theory of risky decision-making (risk management section) investigated the specifics of the influence of the modern digital environment on the psychology of thinking of a person acting in a risky situation. The main parameters of the impact of digital technology on perception of information, its selection, memory, goal setting will and emotions of the human mind (not only personal but also collective); and also the limits of the impact of digital technology on decision-making person. The author studies the specifics of the influence of personal factors on the process of generating a strong-willed decision, the risks associated with this circumstance, and the potential of digital resources tools in terms of minimizing negative consequences and hedging such risks.
risk, risk hedging, cognitive psychology, legal regulation, digital technologies, digital resources, digital assets, digital environment, blockchain, decision-making, will, emotion.
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