, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
GRNTI 14.01 Общие вопросы народного образования и педагогики
In the paper the urgent problem of enhancing the effectiveness of firearms training of cadets of departmental educational organizations is considered from the point of view of gender approach. Some contradictions are revealed that influence greatly educational activity involving lecturers of the Chair of Firearms Training and female cadets. The authors suggest methodical support of firearms training classes which has been successfully tested. It includes educational diagnosticsas well as authorial methodology «Gender approach» based on the innovative methods used according to psycho-physiological characteristics of female cadets and peculiarities of their value-based goal sets. The main stages of the authorial methodology realization during firearms training classes which concern drilling shooting techniques using «Makarov» pistol are described. The authors point out some difficulties which female cadets can come across while training, and the possible ways to overcome them. As a result of the pilot testing the actions to make female cadets’ firearms training more effective are rationalized in the context of their professional skills acquiring while studying at departmental educational organizations.
firearms training, gender approach, methodical support.
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