Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The article presents the results of a comprehensive method for the treatment of acute perforated maxillary sinusitis using the developed surgical method for eliminating perforation with a subepithelial vascular palatal flap with simultaneous use of PRF. The effectiveness of the proposed method of treatment was confirmed by x-ray data characterizing the intensity of the inflammatory reaction caused by surgery, morphological parameters of soft tissues in the alveolar process of the upper jaw in the area of intervention and the state of the maxillary sinus before and 3 months after surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of subepithelial vascular palatal flap and PRF in the complex treatment of acute odontogenic perforated maxillary sinusitis. Methodology. An assessment and comparative analysis of the activity of the inflammatory process caused by surgery, as well as the study and comparison of the morphological parameters of the alveolar ridge (the depth of the vestibule of the oral cavity, the width of the keratinized gums, and the thickness of the mucous membrane), the X-ray data evaluating the state of the maxillary sinus, before and after 3 months were carried out. after surgical procedures. The study involved 50 patients with acute perforated maxillary sinusitis (J01.0), who were divided into two groups: the main and comparisons. In the main group (25 people), a new developed method of surgical treatment was used (a method of subepithelial vascularized palatal flap with simultaneous use of PRF), in the comparison group (25 people), the traditional method of complex treatment, including a mobilized mucoperiosteal cheek flap to eliminate perforation of the maxillary sinus . Results. Based on the analysis of the data, pronounced manifestations of the inflammatory process of the postoperative period and negative treatment results using the traditional technique, which were absent in the treatment of patients with the developed surgical method, were revealed. Findings. An analysis of the results obtained during the study revealed the high efficiency of the developed method in comparison with the traditional one.

maxillofacial surgery, dental surgery, maxillary sinus perforation, oroantral communication, odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, subepithelial palatine flap, PRF, elimination of oroantral communication, mobilized muco-periosteal buccal flap, maxillary sinus perforation closure

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