Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The current level of development of dentistry requires the use of an algorithm for diagnosis, monitoring and quality control of orthopedic treatment of patients using functional research methods, planning and manufacturing of dental prosthesis designs based on digital technologies. The goal is to develop an algorithm for orthopedic treatment of patients with defects in the hard tissues of teeth and dentitions using digital functional examination methods. Methodology. Clinical data are based on the results of orthopedic treatment of two groups of patients with defects in the hard tissues of teeth and dentitions. The main group consisted of 129 people, whose diagnostic and treatment complex had an extended instrumental clinical and functional analysis of static and dynamic ratios of teeth and jaws, and orthopedic treatment was carried out according to an improved CAD/CAM protocol. Comparison group ― 147 people, comprehensive dental diagnostics and prosthetic treatment carried out using the standard CAD/CAM technique. Results. Using in-depth functional diagnostics of the dento-jaw system based on digital technologies, a comprehensive assessment of the status of the dental status of the examined patients is given, an algorithm for their comprehensive diagnosis and treatment is developed, indications for their prosthetics in the usual occlusion or in the central ratio of the jaws are specified. The production of fixed anatomical structures of dentures has been optimized by improving the methodology for modeling their masticatory surfaces using the Hint-Els CAD/CAM system. Conclusions. Analysis of the examination results and monitoring of the stages of orthopedic treatment of patients testifies to the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and advanced CAD/CAM technology. The developed indications for the replacement of defects in the hard tissues of teeth and dentitions are determined as the result of many years of research that can achieve practical results ― increasing the effectiveness of their treatment using digital functional diagnostic methods and orthopedic treatment.

zirconia, CAD/CAM, diagnostics, defects in the dentition, defects hard tissues of teeth

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