Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the relevance of preparing cadets of a military institution for intercultural interaction in professional sphere. On the base of competency-based and integrative methodological approaches, the author considers the impact of preparing cadets for intercultural interaction on the quality of future officers’ professional training in general. In foreign language classes, the problematic method is actively used, which, in the conditions of strictly regulated subordination of a military institution, helps to create an atmosphere for communication, the emancipation of students, the manifestation of creativity, the urge to express themselves and develop, the ability to negotiate. The author concludes that teaching a foreign language contributes to the professional and personal development of future officers, raising their level of readiness for intercultural interaction in professional sphere, which is especially important for participating in peacekeeping operations in various countries.

readiness for cross-cultural interaction, cadets of military institution, training a foreign language; pedagogical technologies

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