graduate student
Features of the restructuring of the communication of students involved in basketball during the transition to professional activity are revealed. We consider the disadvantages of communication at the initial stage, manifested in the absence of tolerance, the ability to defend their views and interests, the lack of development of emotional manifestations in communication. In the process of pedagogical influence at the first stage, the student approaches the development of the characteristics of his personality (I-I) and the knowledge of himself, his abilities, with the transition from (I-I) to I-Other in solving common interests and problems; at the second stage, attention is directed to the collective analytical solution of problems, intra-group communication in the I – Collective, I – Team ligaments; at the third stage, the personality-reflective nature of communication was defined as experience that can be implemented in practice. The pedagogical impact of the I-I, I-Other, I-Team (sports team) allowed us to get a number of positive changes necessary for the successful start of a professional career.
basketball students; professional communication; emotional management, non-verbal and verbal communication
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