There are various methods for studying complex systems, which consist of a combination of analysis and synthesis procedures. However, it should be noted that in practice, many methods and procedures for system analysis of complex systems are not used. This is due to the fact that when studying complex systems using simple tools and simplified schemes, disorientation is often formed in a dynamic and contradictory reality, and this in turn leads to a decrease in the rate of further development of the system. The study of a complex system must be carried out according to a pre-developed methodology, which uses methods that take into account the features and conditions of functioning of a complex system. If the system is so complex that none of the methods is suitable for a full-fledged study of problems, it is necessary to divide it into several parts, which will be available for a full study and system analysis of both the whole complex system and its main components.
system of support of decision-making, game theory, managerial decisions, innovative technologies
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