Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The normative and doctrinal construction of complicity under Russian criminal law is based on the advantages that the accessory theory gives, limited to certain provisions of the doctrine of the independent responsibility of accomplices. At the same time, the starting point for the legal assessment of the joint behavior of several persons as complicity in a crime is the fact that the criminal commits actions that contain corpus delicti.Without this fact, the construction of complicity cannot be created. “Committing a crime” should be interpreted as the beginning of the direct commitment by the perpetrator of the objective side of the crime. The very presence of the perpetrator of the crime as a procedural figure, the fact of bringing him to criminal responsibility and the form of its implementation does not affect the assessment of what other persons have done as complicity in thecrime. The unity of the crime committed by the ccomplices does not exclude the fact that the behavior of each of them contains its own, independent corpus delicti, which serves as the basis for their criminal responsibility.

complicity, accessory theory, theory of self-responsibility of accomplices, the perpetrator of the crime, responsibility of the perpetrator

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